
I have come to the conclusion they get are death dealers. Why do they insist on taking over and speeding the inevitable ..death

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I've dealt with hospice twice. They walked the last five weeks with us on my husband's journey to the end. They kept him comfortable. They found several solution to small irritants. They were encouraging and supportive to me. My husband died holding my hand in our own bedroom. Death was inevitable, and it came in its own timeframe. No one sped it up.

My mother was not expected to live long after she broke her hip. She returned to her nursing home on hospice. In addition to the care she was already getting at the NH, she had additional care and attention and equipment supplied by hospice, who coordinated all the medications and care. The original prognosis was wrong. Mother (94) continued to improve and after 3 months was discharged from hospice care. She continues to be content at the nursing home. Obviously hospice did not rush her death. I think she improved and recovered in part because of the extra care she got through them.

Hospice is intended for people who are likely to die within months. (Of course, no one can predict that for certain.) It should only be used for people who believe they are dying. Someone still fighting to extend life should not sign up for it.

Ask a patient who is dying from terminal cancer if they want to continue with their painful journey for many more months. Not all painkillers can quiet the pain associated with the final chapter of cancer.

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