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CWillie, This post must be popular with 30, 790 comments....

Hi Bobbie,
Doing ok. Keeping busy with work. Mom still in NH and holding her own and has a good disposition, most of the time! Siblings no where to be found, still. One checks in with me every couple of weeks. The other says they are coming to visit then doesn't show up, time after time after time. Oh well....


How is everyone doing?

twinsmom, there is nothing safe. My mother uses the face cloths to wipe herself or blow her nose. Then she puts them back in the stack. I keep a stash for myself away from all the others.

I once caught my 85 year old father in law using MY KITCHEN SPONGE to clean his fecal accident off a dining room chair. I cried that day because I was so disgusted!

lindaval.....that's what I keep saying after my son and his 2 kids (5 & &) move out. It's so hard at times but I know we are doing the right thing until he can get on his feet financially (he has a good job but with child support and daycare it's tough). I also take care of my 94 yr old dad and my mom passed away in Aug. God never promised life would be easy but he did promise he would be there holding our hand. I have to keep a sense of humor or else I would go nuts. I guess God wants us to keep that in mind too. Good Luck and God Bless....

LindaVal, I don't know how you do it. My mother still lives in her own house (next door). Don't know how long that will last, but will try to drag it out as long as possible.
Great joke Cuz, thanks, laughing is good for the soul.
Best wishes for the New Year, everyone.

Happy New Year to Everyone.

I hope for the best for all in 2017.


A lady about 8 months pregnant got on a bus. She noticed the man opposite her was smiling at her. She immediately moved to another seat. This time the smile turned into a grin, so she moved again. He seemed more amused. When on the fourth move, the man burst out laughing, she complained to the driver and he had the man arrested.
The case came up in court. The Judge asked the man (about 20 years old) what he had to say for himself.
The man replied...
"Well your Honor, it was like this: When the lady got on the bus, I couldn't help but notice her condition. She sat under a sweets sign that said, "The Double Mint Twins are Coming" and I grinned.
Then she moved and sat under a sign that said "Logan's Liniment will reduce the swelling", and I had to smile.
Then she placed herself under a deodorant sign that said "William's Big Stick Did the Trick", and I could hardly contain myself.
BUT, your Honor, when she moved for the fourth time and sat under the sign that said "Goodyear Rubber could have prevented this Accident"..

..I just lost it......."CASE DISMISSED!!"

LOL, I have both my soon to be 89 year old father and 88 year old mother. My life often seems to be about nothing more that pee and poop. I bought one of those shampooers to clean up after animals. I don't think there is a piece of furniture left that has not been soiled since they came. I just console myself with the plans in my head for renovation after they pass or go into a home. It is what it is.

Youngest sister and her family just left, 16 hour drive back to California. My niece and nephew are 17 and 18 years now. Great kids, but all my mom can do is find fault. They are polite, hard working, smart, and the jump up after every meal and do the dishes! Really, who could ask for more. Had a great time with them for Christmas.

George Michael? Enough already please! When does 2016 Let Up!!!??? Oh G, 95, has mild pneumonia, they are treating it, so he will NEVER EVER DIE!!!

Merry Christmas everyone! Having a nice weekend with my hubby and our Midwest kids who traveling home for the holiday. So great we can all be together! I've been cooking up a storm for days! Today will be no different. I love it. We saw Mom in the NH yesterday, brought her some presents and cheer. Know she appreciated it and loves seeing the kids, (who aren't kids anymore!). Can't take her out anymore which crushes me but it's all a process.
With love to all the caregivers that you have a blessed and peaceful day. What did Tom Hanks say, "We have to just keep breathing. Who knows what the tide will bring..."


Merry Christmas to all.
Think about you guys all of the time.

The Boat Angel is off with his family so I'm awash in old memories of Christmas Past.
He's got his mom and step-dad who BOTH have Dementia but the step dad is further down the path and will probably have to be placed soon since the Boat Angel's mom can no longer care for him due to her own issues.

Man, getting old is not for Pu$$ies.

I bought one of those Motion Star Showers and it's on outside and it looks like fireflies dancing all over the house and trees.
I guess I created a new Christmas memory.

Caregivers check in and let us all know how you're doing this Christmas Season.

If some aren't celebrating Christmas, let us know what you're up to.
That is, if anyone has time to sit down and post.

Jen! Pargirl! Cuz! Meanwhile! Selfish Siblings!
That lady that got pissed off because we sound like we're family and friends!
Merry Christmas!


Happy and safe holidays to everyone who heads by grossed and all the burned out caregivers around the world.
Big snow fall year here in Spokane. The falls will be wonderful this spring. love Jen

Right back at ya pargirl and to ALL of the elite caregivers on this site. May you all have a Merry Christmas. Hugs to all

I did hold onto my husband. Need him to help with my dad! :))

Things are hard every day in this crazy world of caregiving but I so hope that all of you are able to have as peaceful and easy of a Chritmas as possible. pray and think of you guys every day. Blessings my friends.

Hey, that Japanese method sounds great!

I tried the Japanese
method of decluttering
where you hold every
object that you own and
if it does not bring you
joy, you throw it away.
So far I have thrown out
all of the vegetables,
my bra, the electric bill,
the scale, the mirror, and
my tread mill.

Finally had a day with time to saddle up my horse and go for a short ride. Just finished cooking up some food to put in mom's frig, then have to wash her feet. (YUCK).

This is starting to sound like a personal facebook page for friends/family. Signing off of this thread.

He's not dead.... Got our first snowfall that took, just powder so far, swept it out of the drive way. Hi everyone, Hope you are doing well where ever you are. Jen

Hang in there SS and Jen also. Hey bobbie when I was talking to you on the phone a few minutes ago and said I had another call coming in, it was Aunt Hank. I told her I was just talkin with ya and she perked right up. She was getting ready to go play bingo, not bad for being 92 huh. Ok got to get back to work before the wife hits me with her whip. Hugs to all

Hi everyone, hope you is doing OK. Jen, sorry for your woes. That guy IS bulletproof!! I woke up in a s***ty mood so I can relate. Cuz, you're a very good person.

I can't say too much because I think one of my siblings figured out I'm on here. Mental illness is a scary thing and this one cannot be trusted. And it was going good there for a while. I've decided once again, just don't get in the ring, then you can't be hurt. Mom still in NH, I see her weekly, so hard. No help from anyone in the family. They are just waiting for the phone call. They don't get it.


Hey there Jen,
your grandpa is bulletproof. Oy.

Children's lit is cutthroat to be sure. I am so proud of you because you are continuing to write. That in and of itself is a very big deal and Wonderful!
You will succeed.

Hey there Meanwhile!



Hey Bobbmiester. I am NOT dealing with it here, Just going through the motions. I am sick of mind-fullness group, looking forward to really bad weather and waiting for grandpa to die! Norovirus swept through the nursing home...he didn't get it. His roommate, younger, sicker.... been bed ridden over a week. Bad mood here, another book on edit, gonna try sticking my neck out into the cut throat world of children's literature. Wonderful eh. Hope everyone is hanging it there. Jen

Hey Cuz!
My phone died and I don't have your number so if you get a minute, call me please.
So sorry to hear that Mike is suffering like that.

I hope everyone is doing as well as they can with what they are dealing with.



Thanks Shirley. His 50 + years of smoking finally has caught up and bite him hard. His legs are numb from the knees down so with his diabetes and nephropathy you don't want to break off a toenail with out watching it closely. It bled so he just put on a bandage and forgot about it. Three days later he had a black toe with no skin on it. He knows now what to look for. I take him back next week to see what else the surgeon has in mind. Hugs your way.

Cuz, sorry to hear Mike is back in the hospital. But, he comes from a strong family. Hoping for the best. Shirley

To all. I had my brother in hospital. They put 2 stints in his right leg below the knee to improve circulation. They did this because they found dry gangrene on the bottom side of his ring finger toe on his right foot. They are going to save the toe with this procedure. I got him there at 11:30 am and didn't get him back home til 1:00am. That is why I wasn't on last night. I called him today and he is sore by his left groin where the went in for the the procedure. They said he would be ok in a couple of days. Time will tell. Hugs to all

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