I have a "friend" who bilked an elderly woman of her entire estate. When the elder became infirm, "friend" drugged her and locked her in her room at night, even saying she hit her. She forged the old woman's signature on a $75,000 CD, going on a spending spree. When the elder died, she lied to the relatives about the remainder of the estate, saying it was all spent on her care, and the sale of her house went to the church. All lies. She clearly accelerated the woman's death. Now, this same friend is getting married to another elderly man, having stated she would "have to marry " him to be the sole beneficiary of his estate. Knowing history, I'm appalled at this woman's behavior. I have tried to warn his children via anonymous email messages, but not sure they are read. All I have said is to be watchful of your dad's finances. Was I wrong to try to contact the children? I'm sure the old man is happy, but deceived. The children, 4 grown adults, are all successful and independent, so maybe they don't care , and just want him to be happy. Feedback appreciated.
Plus anyone who dies, with a Will or without a Will, it all needs to go into Country Probate Court and the Court oversees the estate until it deems the Estate is ready for distribution.
Just confused how your friend was able to pull off what she had told you. Or maybe none of this ever happened, she just likes to tell stories.
Yes, you were doing the right thing about letting the family of the elderly gentleman to be aware of this woman's past. Now it is up the family. Maybe all the gentleman's money is in a Trust, and whomever if the Power of Attorney has full control over the funds.... so that could be the reason why the family isn't worried.
Some day your friend will be dealing with the wrong family and find herself in Court, if in fact she is doing what she claims.