
What better place than where we are all in a quandary for answers for senior care? I'm writing a book. It is an collection of true stories, exposing fraud & manipulation in Senior care.
Please give me your thoughts of the Title you prefer:
1) How to Avoid being Scammed by Caregivers
Exposing Fraud in the Senior Care Industry. (subtitle)
2). The Care Puppeteers
They pull your Heart strings, Purse strings, Financial Strings
How to Avoid being Scammed by Caregivers (subtitle)
3) CareGivers Scare Takers
How to Avoid your caregiver becoming your Care Taker
of your money, health and well being

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We could all benefit from learning the ins and outs of caregiver’s experiences.

Good luck with your book!

How many words are you planning? Are you going to self-publish? I have a friend who is also writing a book and these are questions she has had to answer early on in the process with her publisher. Fact: 95% of all books never sell more than 1000 copies. This is why publishers expect you to continue to crank out books and be part of figuring out the book's distribution possibilities. The title is the "most fun" to think about for sure but unless you have the other questions figure out, it is the least of your concerns of getting your book to market (and also the publisher may actually dictate the final title for marketability, fyi). It's not the title that you need to sell to a publisher, but the need for the information and whether there's an audience for it. Finding an elder law attorney or someone of prominence to endorse it would also help strengthen its case. Good luck in your endeavor.

All seem a little bit long to me, and just a bit negative. I think I would go for something more neutral. Is the book specifically about caregiving scams ONLY. I think number 2 is my favorite, and most catchy. I would make it shorter. Something like Care Puppeteers How to Avoid being Scammed by Caregivers.
Makes it pretty clear what the book is about. Wishing you good luck. There are so MANY ways to scam. I think crucial that you include "good models" to look for. The ALF my brother was at was SO good, so forthcoming prior to admission, such complete and WRITTEN descriptions. People don't know what to look for. Keep us posted.

Very interesting.

I haven't time to write a book -

That's an excuse. I am constitutionally incapable of writing a book because it demands "the application of the seat of one's pants to the seat of one's chair" as Hemingway so rightly explained the art. But I digress.

- ostensibly, then, because I work full-time in social care, providing short-term reablement support and urgent care services to people living at home; but I am developing the strands of a thesis and hope to enlist sponsors one day to get it done.

Although it's not so much sponsorship I need. It's somebody standing over me with a bayonet and poking me whenever I stop typing. I digress again.

My thesis' working title is "Love or money: what price care? Challenges in recruiting the social care workforce for an aging population."

I am sure there will be room for a section on workers who have seemingly decided to help themselves.

It's not the title of the book that will determine whether or not it will sell! It's how well you present the content, what credentials you have to write it, and whether or not there is a market for it, despite what you might assume from reading the forum here. I'm a published author of several books. I took a terrific class from a literary agent that teaches people like us how to write nonfiction that actually sells to a real publisher. I've used that method to sell all four of my books. If you want, I'll give you the contact information for the course?

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